

09.09.2024 16:57

Minister of Defence Antti Häkkänen's opening remarks at the Korea-Finland Innovation Forum on 9 September 2024

It is a great honour and my pleasure to address the Korea-Finland Innovation forum 2024. First, I want to thank the organizer for the successful event and for the superb hospitality, and all the distinguished guests, speakers, and panelists for the fruitful discussions. 

Regardless of the challenging security situation in Europe, I bring warm greetings from Finland. Having arrived to Seoul on Monday, I had the privilege to see the buzzing and beautiful city of Seoul. Visiting Korean peninsula and being reminded of the history of the enormous development from a war-torn country into the prosperous country South Korea is today, I find similarities with Finland’s national experiences. Finland, too, had to fight to survive, had to rebuild our cities, develop our industry and economy, and had to continue to prepare for a wide range of security threats by an aggressive hostile.

Efficient and innovative application of new technologies requires structures and funding models that make it possible to develop agile methods and iterative development alongside traditional development programmes. The utilization of new technologies challenges the traditional operating culture because new technologies force us to consider lifecycle issues, and updating security of supply of solutions, partly on a new basis.

We all recognize the recent technological developments and the need to keep continuously updating our thinking and innovation. In the field of security and defence Finland fully recognizes the crucial role of emerging disruptive technologies, as well as the importance of space technologies, artificial intelligence, robotics, 6G communications and quantum technologies.

At the same time, emphasis needs to be given to the whole life cycle of new defence solutions. Research, industrial development, testing, verification mechanisms, operating principles, training, and usage of advanced weapon systems are all increasingly relevant. 

New disruptive technologies create both opportunities and new threats to the Defence capabilities. Technological development, particularly in the areas of digitalisation, artificial intelligence, machine autonomy, sensor technologies and new operating environments (such as space and cyber), will have a decisive impact on the development of military capabilities. For example, wireless information technology will enable new approaches and structures that place new demands on materiel policy.

Finland and South Korea have emerged as information societies which benefit from the know-how and technology adapted to the needs of the globalized world economy, and I want to stress that during this difficult security situation in the world, it is even more important to invest in new environmentally sustainable technologies and innovation systems. 

The utilisation of rapidly developing new technologies requires active technological measures and analysis based application. Competence management, adequate resourcing, agile organisation, partnerships and correctly timed research, development and innovation (RDI) measures need to be emphasised.

The Republic of Korea has a lot to offer to Finnish companies and vice versa. This innovation forum is a excellent platform in building and developing business opportunities between our countries. The Finnish business delegation taking part in this visit represent high-tech companies with substantial know-how, innovation, and production capabilities in the fields of defence and security.

The industry seminar, including bilateral presentations, meetings and discussions with Finnish companies will form a solid base for cooperation in the future. I am confident that the innovative solutions and leading-edge technologies of Finnish and South Korean companies are of great interest to each other when looking for economically and socially sustainable solutions for the future needs of both nations.

I am confident that this innovation Forum is very good opportunity for new perspectives on how to deepen the relations and form (even stronger) strong ties between Korea and Finland.

I wish you all very fruitful Innovation Forum and a prosperous cooperation, Thank you!  






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