
Finland's chairmanship of NORDEFCO in 2025

In the past few years, the activities of NORDEFCO have been driven by the major changes in Europe’s security environment. Defence cooperation between the Nordic countries has increased significantly. As NATO member states, all Nordic countries are committed to defending each other. Thanks to Finland's and Sweden's membership, NATO now has a strong and united area in the north, which will strengthen the Alliance's deterrence and defence posture in Northern Europe. This is reflected in NORDEFCO's vision and objectives, priorities, areas of cooperation, practical activities, planning, and the development of interoperability and structures. 

Under NORDEFCO, numerous international meetings will be held in Finland during 2025. The defence ministers and the Policy Steering Committee composed of public officials usually convene twice a year but, besides these, there will be meetings held virtually. In addition, a good number of military level meetings will be held in Finland. The priorities that will guide Finland’s chairmanship in 2025 are:

Operationalisation of Vision 2030 and development of interoperability

The key priority for Finland’s chairmanship is the operationalisation of the new Vision signed by the defence ministers in spring 2024. The Vision sets the long-term policy guidelines for cooperation under NORDEFCO until 2030. The main objective of Nordic defence cooperation is that the defence forces of the five countries, as a group of their own and together with other allies, are capable of undertaking joint operations in all circumstances. This is a new and high level of ambition for NORDEFCO.

Updating NORDEFCO’s founding document

The founding document of Nordic defence cooperation (Memorandum of Understanding on Nordic Defence Cooperation, NORDEFCO MoU) was signed in Helsinki in 2009. The Memorandum of Understanding specifies the purpose and objectives, structures and main principles of the cooperation. Finland’s and Sweden’s NATO membership changed the nature of this cooperation, which is why the aim is to update the founding document during 2025.

Defence materiel cooperation

In defence materiel cooperation, during Finland’s chairmanship work will continue to promote the military security of supply, with a particular focus on strengthening the industrial capacity for ammunition production and advancing the strategic partnership agreements. In the Nordic defence materiel cooperation, strategic screening has been conducted as the basis for selecting areas for cooperation that will lead to concrete opportunities for joint procurements. 

Support and logistics

Developing military mobility is a key element for enabling joint deterrence and defence. In autumn 2024 the Nordic defence ministers signed a letter of intent concerning the establishment of harmonised military mobility corridors. The aim of the Ministry of Defence is to start the implementation of the letter of intent during Finland’s chairmanship. The letter of intent will deepen the cooperation on military mobility among the Nordic countries. 

Capabilities cooperation

The Nordic countries have had active cooperation related to NATO’s capability objectives, and this work will continue in 2025. In addition, opportunities for joint EU Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) projects will be explored for the first time.