Contact information for the Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Defence
Eteläinen Makasiinikatu 8
PO Box 31
FIN-00131 Helsinki, Finland
Postal address: PO Box 31 FIN-00131 Helsinki, Finland
Documents can be delivered to the Government's mail distribution centre, address: Ritarikatu 2 B, Helsinki at 8-16.15.
E-invoice document (pdf) (153.1 KB)
Official e-mail: kirjaamo.plm(at)
E-mail: firstname.lastname(at)
Registry tel.: +358 295 160 070
Tel.: +358 295 16001 (Switchboard)
Media and Communications Unit
Director of Communications Niina Hyrsky
Tel. +358 295 140 120
Head of Communications Kristian Vakkuri
International affairs
Tel. +358 295 140 123
Ministerial Adviser Kirsti Haimila
Crisis communications
Tel. +358 295 140 122
Senior Specialist Ronni Läpinen
Materiel policy and procurements communications
Tel. +358 295 140 184
Senior Specialist Emma Virkkunen
Social media, visual communication
Tel. +358 295 140 176
Communications Specialist Riina Kauppila
Web communications
Tel. +358 295 140 127
Information Assistant Jaana Riihimaa
Tel. +358 295 140 121
Contact information for the assistants to the Minister of Defence and to the Permanent Secretary
E-mail addresses are firstname.lastname(at)
Assistants to the Minister of Defence
PA to the Minister of Defence
Ms Eeva Rissanen
tel. +358 295 140 103
Special Adviser
Mr Dani Niskanen
- defence policy affairs
- legal affairs in the Administrative Policy Department
- NATO affairs
- Minister’s media relations
tel. +358 41 544 4967
Special Adviser
Mr Antti Vesala
- resource policy affairs
- corporate steering, financial and security affairs in the Administrative Policy Department
- EU affairs
- development of conscription service
tel. +358 50 471 0883 / +358 295 140 099
Assistant to the Special Advisers
Ms Heta Tappura
tel. +358 295 160 624
Military Advisor to the Minister of Defence
Captain (Navy) Mika Raunu
tel. +358 295 140 138
Commander Lauri Korhonen
tel. +358 295 140 102
Assistants to the Permanent Secretary
Military Assistant to the Permanent SecretaryLieutenant Colonel Mikko Koskimaa
tel. +358 295 140 112
Personal Assistant to the Permanent Secretary
Ms Sari Viitala
tel. +358 295 140 105