

12.07.2023 14:56

Special advisers to Minister of Defence Antti Häkkänen appointed

Minister of Defence Antti Häkkänen has invited Dani Niskanen and Ville Sipiläinen to serve as his Special Advisers. Prime Minister Petteri Orpo appointed them on the proposal of Minister Häkkänen.

Dani Niskanen is responsible for matters covered by the Administration Policy Department of the Ministry of Defence, including legislative projects. Niskanen is also responsible for monitoring internal and legal policy issues for the ministerial group of the National Coalition Party. He also serves as a second-term member of Helsinki City Council. Before his appointment, Niskanen worked as a lawyer of the National Coalition Party parliamentary group. Niskanen holds a Master of Laws degree from the University of Helsinki.

Ville Sipiläinen is responsible for matters related to NATO and the European Union and matters covered by the Defence Policy Department and Resource Policy Department of the Ministry of Defence. Sipiläinen is also responsible for the Minister's communications and media relations. Before his appointment, Sipiläinen worked as Director of Business and Public Relations at the British biopharma company GSK. He has previously served as Special Adviser to the Minister of Social Affairs and Health, Communications Secretary of the National Coalition Party's parliamentary group, and Chair of the Youth League of the National Coalition Party. Sipiläinen has studied law at the University of Lapland.


Dani Niskanen, tel. +358 41 544 4967
Ville Sipiläinen, tel. +358 40 761 1558

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