

22.05.2023 10:03

Minister of Defence Kaikkonen to visit Brussels

Minister of Defence Antti Kaikkonen will attend the EU's Foreign Affairs Council meeting for defence ministers in Brussels on 23 May 2023.

The meeting agenda will include the EU's military support to Ukraine, including the European Union Military Assistance Mission in support of Ukraine, supporting Ukraine with artillery munitions from Member States' stockpiles and through joint procurement of artillery munitions, and the Commission's proposal for a regulation reinforcing the capacity of European defence industries. The meeting will also discuss topical issues, such as the development of the EU's rapid response capability.

In connection with the defence minister meeting, the Steering Board of the European Defence Agenda (EDA) will hold a ministerial meeting where the members will discuss the effects of the war in Ukraine on the development of European capabilities.

Meiju Keksi, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Defence, tel. +358 295 140 322 (agenda of the Foreign Affairs Council meeting)
Vilma Maukonen, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Defence, tel. +358 295 140 004 (meeting of the European Defence Agency Steering Board)
Kristian Vakkuri, Head of Communications, Ministry of Defence, tel. +358 295 140 123 (meeting communications)

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