
Bulletins and reports

02.12.2010 12:30

Finns' opinions on Foreign and Security Policy, Defence and Security issues 2010

The opinions of Finns about the foreign, security and defence policy of Finland were studied in the interview survey that was commissioned by the Advisory Board of Defence Information, ABDI (Maanpuolustustiedotuksen suunnittelukunta, MTS). In addition, respondents were asked to estimate the management of the foreign and security policy of the European Union and the tasks of the new European External Action Service. There were also questions about the factors having an effect on Finland’s security and the sense of security as well as the development of security in the five years to come, preparedness for various threats and the situation in Afghanistan. There were a total of 26 questions of which four were completely new.

MTS survey 2010 (pdf) (274.2 KB)

MTS Survey statistics 2010 (pdf) (341.9 KB)

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