
Official press releases, news and speeches that the minister has held are located in this section. The Ministry of Defence publishes all of its press releases and news in Finnish and Swedish and many of them in English, too.

Press Releases

10.06.2024 17:45

Russian aircraft suspected of violating Finland’s airspace in the Gulf of Finland

A Russian military aircraft is suspected to have violated Finnish air space off the coast of the Gulf of Finland, near the city of Loviisa in the morning today.

The aircraft was in Finnish air space for aprroximately 2 minutes, as deepest 2,5 kilometers inside Finnish territory.

"We take this suspected territorial violation seriously and investigations have begun," says Minister of Defence Antti Häkkänen.

The Border Guard is responsible for the preliminary investigation and will provide more information once the investigation is complete.

The previous confirmed violation of Finland’s airspace by Russian aircraft took place in August 2022, when two Russian fighter jets entered Finland’s airspace in the Gulf of Finland.

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