
Official press releases, news and speeches that the minister has held are located in this section. The Ministry of Defence publishes all of its press releases and news in Finnish and Swedish and many of them in English, too.

Press Releases

18.06.2024 12:00

Exports of defence materiel grew in 2023

The Ministry of Defence has published a report on the exports of defence materiel in 2023. The report provides statistical data on both the granted export licences and actual exports. In 2023, the Ministry of Defence granted 355 licences to 56 countries for permanent exports and transfers of defence materiel.

The combined value of these licences was EUR 667 million, which is more than ever before and over 450 per cent more than in 2022. Examined by region, most licences were granted for exports to European countries. The actual exports normally take place within a few years after the export licence was granted.

Examined by country, licences of the highest values were granted to Slovakia, Japan and Ukraine. The licences granted to Slovakia and Japan mainly consisted of vehicles and the technology needed for their manufacture. Protective products accounted for the largest number of licences granted to Ukraine.

The annual report on the exports of defence materiel covers commercial exports. It does not contain information on defence materiel assistance provided by Finland to Ukraine as part of international assistance. Twenty-five licences were granted for commercial exports to Ukraine.

The value of actual exports was EUR 192 million in 2023, an increase of more than 50 per cent on the previous year.  The top three countries were Sweden, Latvia and Lithuania. Exports to Sweden and Latvia mainly comprised armoured vehicles and ammunition, while exports to Lithuania largely consisted of explosives and chargers. Examined by region, by far most of the products were exported to the Member States of the European Union. More than 85 per cent of all exports were made to Europe. 

When considering a licence application, a case-by-case overall consideration is applied, based on national legislation and international commitments binding on Finland. The Council of the European Union's common position on defining common rules for the control of exports of military technology and equipment (2008/944/CFSP) and the Arms Trade Treaty play a key role.  Licence applications are processed in a cross-sectoral export working group where the Ministry for Foreign Affairs is responsible for the foreign and security policy assessment.

The entire annual report on the export of defence materiel in 2023 is available on the website of the Ministry of Defence

Inquiries: Riikka Pitkänen, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Defence, tel. +358 295 140 054.

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