
Official press releases, news and speeches that the minister has held are located in this section. The Ministry of Defence publishes all of its press releases and news in Finnish and Swedish and many of them in English, too.

Press Releases

22.02.2024 13:30

Assembly and maintenance facilities to be built for F-35 fighter engines in Nokia's Linnavuori

On the presentation of Minister of Defence Antti Häkkänen, the Ministerial Finance Committee has supported the conclusion of a land lease agreement in Nokia's Linnavuori between the Defence Forces and Defence Properties Finland. The conclusion of a lease agreement is a prerequisite for the Defence Properties to start construction work in the area. The construction projects to be carried out are related to industrial cooperation concerning the F-35 project. 
Defence Properties Finland will build assembly and maintenance facilities for F135 engines for F-35 multi-role fighters in Linnavuori as well as infrastructure to be used by Patria Aviation Oy. Once the construction work is completed, Defence Properties Finland will conclude a lease agreement with Patria Aviation Oy. Patria will use the space for the final assembly and maintenance of engines for F-35 fighters.  The construction of the engines' assembly hall will begin in 2024, and the maintenance of engines will continue throughout the entire life cycle of Finland's F-35 fleet. 
Construction projects and the related industrial activities in Linnavuori are part of the direct industrial cooperation package of the F-35 project. Security of supply will strengthen as industrial cooperation creates critical maintenance and repair expertise for Finnish industry. 

- Apart from the perspective of security of supply, industrial cooperation within the F-35 project also generates significant expertise in assembling and testing the F135 engine in Finland, says Minister of Defence Häkkänen.

The estimated direct domestic employment effect of industrial participation is 4,500 person-years while the indirect effect is 1,500 person-years. The capabilities and functions included in the industrial cooperation of the F-35 project will be built gradually by the end of 2030. 

- In addition to strengthening our national defence capability and security of supply, the employment impact in Finland will be nearly 6,000 person-years, Minister Häkkänen underlines.

Inquiries: Iikka Marttila, Senior Ministerial Adviser (industrial participation), Ministry of Defence, tel. +358 295 140 038, and Sara Kajander, Senior Ministerial Adviser (construction projects), tel. +358 295 140 080.  

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